14.2 在單元測(cè)試中給對(duì)象打補(bǔ)丁

2018-02-24 15:27 更新


You’re writing unit tests and need to apply patches to selected objects in order to makeassertions about how they were used in the test (e.g., assertions about being called withcertain parameters, access to selected attributes, etc.).


The unittest.mock.patch() function can be used to help with this problem. It’s a littleunusual, but patch() can be used as a decorator, a context manager, or stand-alone. Forexample, here’s an example of how it’s used as a decorator:

from unittest.mock import patchimport example

@patch(‘example.func')def test1(x, mock_func):

example.func(x) # Uses patched example.funcmock_func.assert_called_with(x)

It can also be used as a context manager:

with patch(‘example.func') as mock_func:example.func(x) # Uses patched example.funcmock_func.assert_called_with(x)
Last, but not least, you can use it to patch things manually:

p = patch(‘example.func')mock_func = p.start()example.func(x)mock_func.assert_called_with(x)p.stop()

If necessary, you can stack decorators and context managers to patch multiple objects.For example:

@patch(‘example.func1')@patch(‘example.func2')@patch(‘example.func3')def test1(mock1, mock2, mock3):


def test2():with patch(‘example.patch1') as mock1, patch(‘example.patch2') as mock2, patch(‘example.patch3') as mock3:


patch() works by taking an existing object with the fully qualified name that you pro‐vide and replacing it with a new value. The original value is then restored after thecompletion of the decorated function or context manager. By default, values are replacedwith MagicMock instances. For example:

>>> x = 42
>>> with patch('__main__.x'):
...     print(x)
<MagicMock name='x' id='4314230032'>
>>> x

However, you can actually replace the value with anything that you wish by supplyingit as a second argument to patch():

>>> x
>>> with patch('__main__.x', 'patched_value'):
...     print(x)
>>> x

The MagicMock instances that are normally used as replacement values are meant tomimic callables and instances. They record information about usage and allow you tomake assertions. For example:

>>> from unittest.mock import MagicMock
>>> m = MagicMock(return_value = 10)
>>> m(1, 2, debug=True)
>>> m.assert_called_with(1, 2, debug=True)
>>> m.assert_called_with(1, 2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File ".../unittest/mock.py", line 726, in assert_called_with
    raise AssertionError(msg)
AssertionError: Expected call: mock(1, 2)
Actual call: mock(1, 2, debug=True)

>>> m.upper.return_value = 'HELLO'
>>> m.upper('hello')
>>> assert m.upper.called

>>> m.split.return_value = ['hello', 'world']
>>> m.split('hello world')
['hello', 'world']
>>> m.split.assert_called_with('hello world')

>>> m['blah']
<MagicMock name='mock.__getitem__()' id='4314412048'>
>>> m.__getitem__.called
>>> m.__getitem__.assert_called_with('blah')

Typically, these kinds of operations are carried out in a unit test. For example, supposeyou have some function like this:

example.pyfrom urllib.request import urlopenimport csv

def dowprices():u = urlopen(‘http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=@^DJI&f=sl1‘)lines = (line.decode(‘utf-8') for line in u)rows = (row for row in csv.reader(lines) if len(row) == 2)prices = { name:float(price) for name, price in rows }return prices
Normally, this function uses urlopen() to go fetch data off the Web and parse it. Tounit test it, you might want to give it a more predictable dataset of your own creation,however. Here’s an example using patching:

import unittestfrom unittest.mock import patchimport ioimport example

sample_data = io.BytesIO(b'‘‘“IBM”,91.1r“AA”,13.25r“MSFT”,27.72rr‘'‘)

class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
@patch(‘example.urlopen', return_value=sample_data)def test_dowprices(self, mock_urlopen):

p = example.dowprices()self.assertTrue(mock_urlopen.called)self.assertEqual(p,

{‘IBM': 91.1,‘AA': 13.25,‘MSFT' : 27.72})

if name == ‘main':unittest.main()
In this example, the urlopen() function in the example module is replaced with a mockobject that returns a BytesIO() containing sample data as a substitute.An important but subtle facet of this test is the patching of example.urlopen instead ofurllib.request.urlopen. When you are making patches, you have to use the namesas they are used in the code being tested. Since the example code uses from urllib.request import urlopen, the urlopen() function used by the dowprices() function isactually located in example.This recipe has really only given a very small taste of what’s possible with the unittest.mock module. The official documentation is a must-read for more advancedfeatures.




