
2018-02-24 15:27 更新


http://docs.python.orgIt goes without saying that Python’s own online documentation is an excellent resourceif you need to delve into the finer details of the language and modules. Justmake sure you’re looking at the documentation for Python 3 and not earlier versions.http://www.python.org/dev/pepsPython Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) are invaluable if you want to understandthe motivation for adding new features to the Python language as well as subtleimplementation details. This is especially true for some of the more advanced languagefeatures. In writing this book, the PEPs were often more useful than theofficial documentation.http://pyvideo.orgThis is a large collection of video presentations and tutorials from past PyCon conferences,user group meetings, and more. It can be an invaluable resource for learningabout modern Python development. Many of the videos feature Python coredevelopers talking about the new features being added in Python 3.http://code.activestate.com/recipes/langs/pythonThe ActiveState Python recipes site has long been a resource for finding the solutionto thousands of specific programming problems. As of this writing, it containsapproximately 300 recipes specific to Python 3. You’ll find that many of its recipeseither expand upon topics covered in this book or focus on more narrowly definedtasks. As such, it’s a good companion.http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/pythonStack Overflow currently has more than 175,000 questions tagged as Python-related(and almost 5000 questions specific to Python 3). Although the quality of the questionsand answers varies, there is a lot of good material to be found.



  • Learning Python, 4th Edition, by Mark Lutz, O’Reilly & Associates (2009).
  • The Quick Python Book, 2nd Edition, by Vernon Ceder, Manning (2010).
  • Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition, by Michael Dawson,

Course Technology PTR (2010).



  • Programming Python, 4th Edition, by Mark Lutz, O’Reilly & Associates (2010).
  • Python Essential Reference, 4th Edition, by David Beazley, Addison-Wesley (2009).
  • Core Python Applications Programming, 3rd Edition, by Wesley Chun, Prentice Hall (2012).
  • The Python Standard Library by Example, by Doug Hellmann, Addison-Wesley (2011).
  • Python 3 Object Oriented Programming, by Dusty Phillips, Packt Publishing (2010).
  • Porting to Python 3, by Lennart Regebro, CreateSpace (2011), http://python3porting.com.



