var mediator = (function(){
// Storage for topics that can be broadcast or listened to
var topics = {};
// Subscribe to a topic, supply a callback to be executed
// when that topic is broadcast to
var subscribe = function( topic, fn ){
if ( !topics[topic] ){
topics[topic] = [];
topics[topic].push( { context: this, callback: fn } );
return this;
// Publish/broadcast an event to the rest of the application
var publish = function( topic ){
var args;
if ( !topics[topic] ){
return false;
args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 );
for ( var i = 0, l = topics[topic].length; i < l; i++ ) {
var subscription = topics[topic][i];
subscription.callback.apply( subscription.context, args );
return this;
return {
publish: publish,
subscribe: subscribe,
installTo: function( obj ){
obj.subscribe = subscribe;
obj.publish = publish;
對(duì)于那些對(duì)更加高級(jí)實(shí)現(xiàn)感興趣的人,以走讀的方式看一看以下我對(duì)Jack Lawson優(yōu)秀的Mediator.js重寫的一個(gè)縮略版本.在其它方面的改進(jìn)當(dāng)中,為我們的中間人支持主題命名空間,用戶拆卸和一個(gè)更加穩(wěn)定的發(fā)布/訂閱系統(tǒng)。但是如果你想跳過這個(gè)走讀,你可以直接進(jìn)入到下一個(gè)例子繼續(xù)閱讀。
// Pass in a context to attach our Mediator to.
// By default this will be the window object
(function( root ){
function guidGenerator() { /*..*/}
// Our Subscriber constructor
function Subscriber( fn, options, context ){
if ( !(this instanceof Subscriber) ) {
return new Subscriber( fn, context, options );
// guidGenerator() is a function that generates
// GUIDs for instances of our Mediators Subscribers so
// we can easily reference them later on. We're going
// to skip its implementation for brevity
this.id = guidGenerator();
this.fn = fn;
this.options = options;
this.context = context;
this.topic = null;
// Let's model the Topic.
// JavaScript lets us use a Function object as a
// conjunction of a prototype for use with the new
// object and a constructor function to be invoked.
function Topic( namespace ){
if ( !(this instanceof Topic) ) {
return new Topic( namespace );
this.namespace = namespace || "";
this._callbacks = [];
this._topics = [];
this.stopped = false;
// Define the prototype for our topic, including ways to
// add new subscribers or retrieve existing ones.
Topic.prototype = {
// Add a new subscriber
AddSubscriber: function( fn, options, context ){
var callback = new Subscriber( fn, options, context );
this._callbacks.push( callback );
callback.topic = this;
return callback;
StopPropagation: function(){
this.stopped = true;
GetSubscriber: function( identifier ){
for(var x = 0, y = this._callbacks.length; x < y; x++ ){
if( this._callbacks[x].id == identifier || this._callbacks[x].fn == identifier ){
return this._callbacks[x];
for( var z in this._topics ){
if( this._topics.hasOwnProperty( z ) ){
var sub = this._topics[z].GetSubscriber( identifier );
if( sub !== undefined ){
return sub;
AddTopic: function( topic ){
this._topics[topic] = new Topic( (this.namespace ? this.namespace + ":" : "") + topic );
HasTopic: function( topic ){
return this._topics.hasOwnProperty( topic );
ReturnTopic: function( topic ){
return this._topics[topic];
RemoveSubscriber: function( identifier ){
if( !identifier ){
this._callbacks = [];
for( var z in this._topics ){
if( this._topics.hasOwnProperty(z) ){
this._topics[z].RemoveSubscriber( identifier );
for( var y = 0, x = this._callbacks.length; y < x; y++ ) {
if( this._callbacks[y].fn == identifier || this._callbacks[y].id == identifier ){
this._callbacks[y].topic = null;
this._callbacks.splice( y,1 );
x--; y--;
Publish: function( data ){
for( var y = 0, x = this._callbacks.length; y < x; y++ ) {
var callback = this._callbacks[y], l;
callback.fn.apply( callback.context, data );
l = this._callbacks.length;
if( l < x ){
x = l;
for( var x in this._topics ){
if( !this.stopped ){
if( this._topics.hasOwnProperty( x ) ){
this._topics[x].Publish( data );
this.stopped = false;
function Mediator() {
if ( !(this instanceof Mediator) ) {
return new Mediator();
this._topics = new Topic( "" );
想要更多先進(jìn)的用例,我們可以看看調(diào)解支持的主題命名空間,下面這樣的asinbox:messages:new:read.GetTopic 返回基于一個(gè)命名空間的主題實(shí)體。
Mediator.prototype = {
GetTopic: function( namespace ){
var topic = this._topics,
namespaceHierarchy = namespace.split( ":" );
if( namespace === "" ){
return topic;
if( namespaceHierarchy.length > 0 ){
for( var i = 0, j = namespaceHierarchy.length; i < j; i++ ){
if( !topic.HasTopic( namespaceHierarchy[i]) ){
topic.AddTopic( namespaceHierarchy[i] );
topic = topic.ReturnTopic( namespaceHierarchy[i] );
return topic;
Subscribe: function( topiclName, fn, options, context ){
var options = options || {},
context = context || {},
topic = this.GetTopic( topicName ),
sub = topic.AddSubscriber( fn, options, context );
return sub;
// Returns a subscriber for a given subscriber id / named function and topic namespace
GetSubscriber: function( identifier, topic ){
return this.GetTopic( topic || "" ).GetSubscriber( identifier );
// Remove a subscriber from a given topic namespace recursively based on
// a provided subscriber id or named function.
Remove: function( topicName, identifier ){
this.GetTopic( topicName ).RemoveSubscriber( identifier );
主題可以被向下遞歸.例如,一條對(duì)inbox:message的post將發(fā)送到inbox:message:new和inbox:message:new:read.它將像接下來這樣被使用:Mediator.Publish( "inbox:messages:new", [args] );
Publish: function( topicName ){
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1),
topic = this.GetTopic( topicName );
args.push( topic );
this.GetTopic( topicName ).Publish( args );
root.Mediator = Mediator;
Mediator.Topic = Topic;
Mediator.Subscriber = Subscriber;
// Remember we can pass anything in here. I've passed inwindowto
// attach the Mediator to, but we can just as easily attach it to another
// object if desired.
})( window );
<form id="chatForm">
<label for="fromBox">Your Name:</label>
<input id="fromBox" type="text"/>
<br />
<label for="toBox">Send to:</label>
<input id="toBox" type="text"/>
<br />
<label for="chatBox">Message:</label>
<input id="chatBox" type="text"/>
<button type="submit">Chat</button>
<div id="chatResult"></div>
$( "#chatForm" ).on( "submit", function(e) {
// Collect the details of the chat from our UI
var text = $( "#chatBox" ).val(),
from = $( "#fromBox" ).val(),
to = $( "#toBox" ).val();
// Publish data from the chat to the newMessage topic
mediator.publish( "newMessage" , { message: text, from: from, to: to } );
// Append new messages as they come through
function displayChat( data ) {
var date = new Date(),
msg = data.from + " said \"" + data.message + "\" to " + data.to;
$( "#chatResult" )
" + msg + " (" + date.toLocaleTimeString() + ")
// Log messages
function logChat( data ) {
if ( window.console ) {
console.log( data );
// Subscribe to new chat messages being submitted
// via the mediator
mediator.subscribe( "newMessage", displayChat );
mediator.subscribe( "newMessage", logChat );
// The following will however only work with the more advanced implementation:
function amITalkingToMyself( data ) {
return data.from === data.to;
function iAmClearlyCrazy( data ) {
$( "#chatResult" ).prepend("
" + data.from + " is talking to himself.
mediator.Subscribe( amITalkingToMyself, iAmClearlyCrazy );