Flask Version 0.7

2021-08-11 21:26 更新

In Flask 0.7 we cleaned up the code base internally a lot and did some backwards incompatible changes that make it easier to implement larger applications with Flask. Because we want to make upgrading as easy as possible we tried to counter the problems arising from these changes by providing a script that can ease the transition.

The script scans your whole application and generates an unified diff with changes it assumes are safe to apply. However as this is an automated tool it won’t be able to find all use cases and it might miss some. We internally spread a lot of deprecation warnings all over the place to make it easy to find pieces of code that it was unable to upgrade.

We strongly recommend that you hand review the generated patchfile and only apply the chunks that look good.

If you are using git as version control system for your project we recommend applying the patch with path -p1 < patchfile.diff and then using the interactive commit feature to only apply the chunks that look good.

To apply the upgrade script do the following:

  1. Download the script: flask-07-upgrade.py

  2. Run it in the directory of your application:

    python flask-07-upgrade.py > patchfile.diff
  3. Review the generated patchfile.

  4. Apply the patch:

    patch -p1 < patchfile.diff
  5. If you were using per-module template folders you need to move some templates around. Previously if you had a folder named templates next to a blueprint named admin the implicit template path automatically was admin/index.html for a template file called templates/index.html. This no longer is the case. Now you need to name the template templates/admin/index.html. The tool will not detect this so you will have to do that on your own.

Please note that deprecation warnings are disabled by default starting with Python 2.7. In order to see the deprecation warnings that might be emitted you have to enabled them with the warnings module.

If you are working with windows and you lack the patch command line utility you can get it as part of various Unix runtime environments for windows including cygwin, msysgit or ming32. Also source control systems like svn, hg or git have builtin support for applying unified diffs as generated by the tool. Check the manual of your version control system for more information.

Bug in Request Locals

Due to a bug in earlier implementations the request local proxies now raise a RuntimeError instead of an AttributeError when they are unbound. If you caught these exceptions with AttributeError before, you should catch them with RuntimeError now.

Additionally the send_file() function is now issuing deprecation warnings if you depend on functionality that will be removed in Flask 1.0. Previously it was possible to use etags and mimetypes when file objects were passed. This was unreliable and caused issues for a few setups. If you get a deprecation warning, make sure to update your application to work with either filenames there or disable etag attaching and attach them yourself.

Old code:

return send_file(my_file_object)
return send_file(my_file_object)

New code:

return send_file(my_file_object, add_etags=False)

Upgrading to new Teardown Handling

We streamlined the behavior of the callbacks for request handling. For things that modify the response the after_request() decorators continue to work as expected, but for things that absolutely must happen at the end of request we introduced the new teardown_request() decorator. Unfortunately that change also made after-request work differently under error conditions. It’s not consistently skipped if exceptions happen whereas previously it might have been called twice to ensure it is executed at the end of the request.

If you have database connection code that looks like this:

def after_request(response):
    return response

You are now encouraged to use this instead:

def after_request(exception):
    if hasattr(g, 'db'):

On the upside this change greatly improves the internal code flow and makes it easier to customize the dispatching and error handling. This makes it now a lot easier to write unit tests as you can prevent closing down of database connections for a while. You can take advantage of the fact that the teardown callbacks are called when the response context is removed from the stack so a test can query the database after request handling:

with app.test_client() as client:
    resp = client.get('/')
    # g.db is still bound if there is such a thing

# and here it's gone

Manual Error Handler Attaching

While it is still possible to attach error handlers to Flask.error_handlers it’s discouraged to do so and in fact deprecated. In generaly we no longer recommend custom error handler attaching via assignments to the underlying dictionary due to the more complex internal handling to support arbitrary exception classes and blueprints. See Flask.errorhandler() for more information.

The proper upgrade is to change this:

app.error_handlers[403] = handle_error

Into this:

app.register_error_handler(403, handle_error)

Alternatively you should just attach the function with a decorator:

def handle_error(e):

(Note that register_error_handler() is new in Flask 0.7)

Blueprint Support

Blueprints replace the previous concept of “Modules” in Flask. They provide better semantics for various features and work better with large applications. The update script provided should be able to upgrade your applications automatically, but there might be some cases where it fails to upgrade. What changed?

  • Blueprints need explicit names. Modules had an automatic name guesssing scheme where the shortname for the module was taken from the last part of the import module. The upgrade script tries to guess that name but it might fail as this information could change at runtime.
  • Blueprints have an inverse behavior for url_for(). Previously .foo told url_for() that it should look for the endpoint foo on the application. Now it means “relative to current module”. The script will inverse all calls to url_for() automatically for you. It will do this in a very eager way so you might end up with some unnecessary leading dots in your code if you’re not using modules.
  • Blueprints do not automatically provide static folders. They will also no longer automatically export templates from a folder called templates next to their location however but it can be enabled from the constructor. Same with static files: if you want to continue serving static files you need to tell the constructor explicitly the path to the static folder (which can be relative to the blueprint’s module path).
  • Rendering templates was simplified. Now the blueprints can provide template folders which are added to a general template searchpath. This means that you need to add another subfolder with the blueprint’s name into that folder if you want blueprintname/template.html as the template name.

If you continue to use the Module object which is deprecated, Flask will restore the previous behavior as good as possible. However we strongly recommend upgrading to the new blueprints as they provide a lot of useful improvement such as the ability to attach a blueprint multiple times, blueprint specific error handlers and a lot more.




