Many people prefer using a standalone Python HTTP server and proxying thatserver via nginx, Apache etc.
A very stable Python server is CherryPy. This part of the documentationshows you how to combine your WSGI application with the CherryPy WSGIserver and how to configure the webserver for proxying.
Creating a .py server
To run your application you need a file that starts upthe WSGI Server.
It looks something along these lines:
from cherrypy import wsgiserver
from yourapplication import make_app
server = wsgiserver.CherryPyWSGIServer(('localhost', 8080), make_app())
except KeyboardInterrupt:
If you now start the file the server will listen on localhost:8080. Keepin mind that WSGI applications behave slightly different for proxied setups.If you have not developed your application for proxying in mind, you canapply the ProxyFix middleware.
Configuring nginx
As an example we show here how to configure nginx to proxy to the server.
Since Nginx doesn't start your server for you, you have to do it by yourself. Youcan either write an init.d script for that or execute it inside a screensession: